

Rückblick: mute BODY – International artists-in-residence program PILOTENKUECHE

The last phase of this residency experience compliments the journey which was built upon the groundwork laid in the initial first chapter, ‘windy HOME’. Their interconnection begins with the dissection of the concept of BODY into its prime parts. It is one of the basic and most complex elements of humankind's existence, our BODY is also our first home. In an attempt to find one's understanding, the individual reconstructs themselves and their corporeality in different ways and a volume of varying intensity.
Each identity story and our representation echo our perspective on life. As a silenced BODY resonates with inequality and invisibility perpetuated and still ongoing by diverse forms of domination in history. 'mute BODY' becomes a celebration of the beauty of all bodies and beings. With it the moment of solace will come and inhabit the space. A mind map will be presented, encompassing references, inspirations, and all elements composing the artists' and curators' reflective production.

Vernissage: 21. 6. 2024, 19-22 Uhr
Performance: 25. 6. 2024, 18-20 Uhr: Katya Granova malt zu Geschichten aus dem Publikum auf gefundenen Fotografien.
Geöffnet: 22. - 26. 6. 2024, 16-20 Uhr

Emmeline Joy Morris (AU)
Lóa Sunnudóttir (IS)
J Jiang (CN)
Katya Granova (RU/UA/UK)
Anai Salem (IS)
Madison Hope Reid (CA)
Filipa pontes (PT)
Elena Hüning (DE)

Mathilde Castaignède - KÜSSE Berlin (FR)
Hania Tokaj (PL)
Kintija Avena (LV)
Neena Bui (US)
Zeynep Ayta (TR)
Lisa Savchuk (UA)

More information: 

Thank you for the exhibition, the performance and everyone who was there.
