20. - 21. 4. – Workshop PILOTENKUECHE
workshops with Jolon Dixon + ViVine + Gregor Forbes
16.00 doors open
16.30 introductions and noise choir JD
18.00 soup dinner by PK
19.00 - 21.00 noise choir cont. JD
16.00 doors open
16.30 introductions and noise choir JD
18.00 soup dinner by PK
19.00 - 21.00 noise choir cont. JD
13.00 doors open
13.30 freeing the voice VM
16.00 break
16.30 soundwalk JD
13.00 doors open
13.30 freeing the voice VM
16.00 break
16.30 soundwalk JD
Informations: https://www.facebook.com/PILOTENKUECHE/