

Rückblick: ...but these sunsets are better – Dani Minuskin, Andrea Garcia Vasquez, Paula Fraile und Natalia Kalicki

...but these sunsets are better – Dani Minuskin, Andrea Garcia Vasquez, Paula Fraile und Natalia Kalicki

Skulptur, Malerei, Installation

>> Vernissage: 25. 1. 2019, 19 Uhr

>> Konzert: 2. 2. 2019, 21-00 Uhr: dreamy music of the new solarism – a solo project of violinist Izabela Kałduńska

>> Finissage: 8. 2. 2019, 19 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Do: 9 - 11:30 h, am 2. und 3. Februar von 12 bis 16 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung unter: info@arsavanti.de

Vier Künstlerinnen aus Kanada und den USA haben sich in Leipzig zusammengefunden, um Prozesse des Werdens, Veränderns und Verbleibens künstlerisch zu untersuchen. Seltsam übereinstimmende Erinnerungen und Déjà-Vu-Erfahrungen bilden zugleich den Ausgangspunkt für Landschaften, Topographien, Fundobjekte und Porträts. Die Ausstellung "...but these sunsets are better“ bohrt dabei tief unter der Oberfläche kitschig verbrämter Sonnenuntergänge und bringt Unerwartetes zu Tage.

Zur Ausstellungsbesprechung siehe unter:

Das Konzert The New Soralism der Violonistin Izabela Kałduńska am Samstag, den 2. Februar lädt zudem akustisch zu Selbsterkundungen ein.

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About the artists:

Natalia Kalicki is a Canadian-Polish painter and collector, currently residing in Leipzig, Germany. In her attempt to trace reality with furry sticks, she often mirrors aspects of this wacked planet through a social, incidental, or semantic lens. Her focus has always been on people, the ambiguity of symbols, and their successive mistranslation amongst us.

Andrea Garcia Vasquez is an interdisciplinary visual artist from New Jersey, USA. She translates personal experiences and observations into poetic installations made up of tapestries, video, and sculpture to portray the fragility of the human-landscape relationship as well as human-human relationships.

Dani Minuskin is a Canadian interdisciplinary artist working largely with found materials and the transformational process of preserving them. She is interested in remnants as symbolic relics of transition. Her practice seeks to deepen and illuminate our kinship with these neglected fragments, revering the vulnerability inherent in confronting them.

Motivated by movement, repetition and transformation, Paula Fraile proposes interventions that transfer pictorial thought to any surface. Her work exists between the limits of real or imaginary landscapes. Attracted by the light of each place she has lived, she uses an
autobiographical process to capture its essence. Sharing knowledge, generating new expression formats and highlighting forgotten subtleties are some of her commitments as an artist.


Dani Minuskin: Kikka

Dani Minuskin: Kikka

Natalia Kalicki: o. T.

Paula Fraile: Yo no vine por amor

Paula Fraile: Luz, más Luz

Andrea Garcia Vasquez: various objects

Natalia Kalicki: A Shelf For Each Season

Natalia Kalicki; Dani Minuskin

Dani Minuskin: Keeping